Dr. Margaryta Iemelianova

Dr. Margaryta Iemelianova is a medical doctor specializing in gynecology/obstetrics and imaging diagnostics, focusing on pelvic and abdominal organs, thyroid and breast problems, echocardiography, and triplex vascular ultrasound. She has been resuming her professional journey in regenerative and functional medicine for the last five years, being a part of the European Wellness Biomedical Group.

Dr. Margaryta completed her Degree in medicine at Luhansk State Medical University, consequently acquiring specialties in the same institution and Donetsk State Medical University within the years 2011-2016. Applying herself for years in clinical practice, Dr. Margaryta expanded her knowledge and experience in conventional medicine. Still, her heart was always passionate about seeking an alternative medicine types to serve her patients better and become more empowered on incurable health issues while looking at the root cause of the disease and using a holistic approach instead of mere symptom alleviation.

In the years 2019-2021, she was trained and certified from Dubai and Californian clinics in the aesthetic medicine domain and cellular technologies, getting registered as a member of the American Cellular Medicine Association. Her main focus lies in the extensive research and study of anti-aging modalities, male and female hormonal imbalances, infertility problems, immuno-metabolic health, and non-surgical gynecological aesthetics.